#Weekly Rubbish blog Children Czech drinking embarrassing humour the oscars U.S.A

Weekly Rubbish 17/03/24

Hello dear reader! How’s it been this week? Done anything different? Traversed a mountain dressed as a cat for Comic Relief? Or just the same old, same old? Here’s what’s been happening for me…. Oh man it’s been Oscar time again. More glamour and glitz than a drag queen convention. Outfit makers in Tinseltown doing […]

blog death Holiday life old age Tenerife travel

How to dodge a coffin….

It’s strange….I’m now in my late fifties. I know, I know, it’s amazing isn’t it, don’t look a day over twenty. But one thing I noticed in Tenerife were the amount of elderly people tottering about. Hundreds of old British, German and Spanish spring chickens bumping into each other, shuffling along. It’s a kind of […]

blog Brain strain Czech food funny

Zelny Salat…

Greetings from Hradec Kralove! Well the language barrier seems to be getting bigger, not smaller here. I had a conversation with a lady behind a meat/cheese/salad counter yesterday. It started badly, then got worse and ended up a car crash. I was glancing at the coleslaw, all different kinds and it all looked a bit […]

blog Czech swearing travel


Greetings once again from the Czech Republic. Just a quick blog today. Been a very busy time here with the grandson having tests in hospital but looking good so far. Three days ago I was wearing shorts and a tee shirt basking in 24 degree heat and warm nights. Now it’s cold. Minus 1 last […]

#blog Czech drinking statues


Dobry den! (that’s hello in Czech) I know it’s been a few days but here I am, in the very pretty small city of Hradec Kralove in the Czech Republic. Its about fifty miles from the Polish border, give or take. If someone had said a few years ago I would be visiting the Czech […]

travel, road trip, Europe

Road trip 2…

So here we are tonight in a place called Nossen. In the middle of nowhere. A full apartment for 60 quid for five of us which isn’t bad at all. The mosquitoes come free of charge too so it’s a bargain. The drive has been a bit scary. In the UK we have the motorway […]

drinking Holiday, Greece life poem SUMMER


Flying away to sand and sun, a little hanky panky, with some girl, name unknown, ouzo breathe, quite lanky, Wakey wakey! The Brits are here, the yobs are back in town, The girls aren’t too far behind, how many drinks can they down? Booming sound and flashing lights, drink and pop those pills, No pail […]