blog Brussel sprouts food funny unhappy wind

The wind in the pillows

Man alive we bought some Brussel sprouts the other day. It was the very last bag and I wish someone else had got to them first. I always used to think a sprout is not just for Christmas, but all year round. Not now. I’ve banned them for life. My God the wind they created could light up a City for a week. We had to put a photo of a skull and crossbones on the front door and open every window. I woke up in the night to find the duvet floating above my head. So I turned over and my wife had a gas mask on… They must grow them differently here in Central Europe. Maybe it’s a mixture of horse shit, sulphur and nitroglycerin instead of good old compost. I’m not allowed out of the house because of severe flatulence which is a pity as we were going to a BBQ but I can’t have a naked flame near me as I’ll probably explode…..


By Vinny

Middle aged geriatric from Hull, England.Slighty mad but aren't we all?

29 replies on “The wind in the pillows”

Your humorous take on the “adventures” of Brussel sprouts had me in stitches! Laughter is the best medicine, and your storytelling is not only funny but also relatable. Thanks for sharing this amusing anecdote; it brightened my day! 😄💥

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